The Antinomian Distaste for the Particularity of the Old Testament (Rev. David P. Ramirez)

Rev. David P. Ramirez
Rev. Ramirez will address the antinomian uncomfortableness with particularity. Using the Old Testament as a prime example, he will show the inability of antinomianism to adequately wrestle with the specificity of the Word of God. This deficiency in preaching and teaching not only endangers the proclamation of the Law, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself.


Rev. David P. Ramirez is the pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Union Grove, WI. He earned his M.Div. in 2008 and S.T.M. in 2020 from CTS—Fort Wayne. His thesis is entitled Martin Luther and Religious Liberty. Pastor Ramirez has contributed articles to various publications and has presented at several conferences—primarily on the topics of teaching Bible History to children, American Lutheran history, Roman Catholic exegesis, youth work, the Great Awokening, and issues related to the three estates and two kingdoms. His current focus of research and study has been the relationship of the three estates to each other and the question of resistance to legitimate authority. He is a member of the Planning Committee for the annual Bugenhagen Conference and regular guest on The Gottesdienst Crowd. He and his wife, Lisa, have eight children.
